touch, build, evolve, own your future


Strategic Headstart for your Project

In addition to all technical capabilites, our B2Xaccelerator comes with a package of +500 user stories and enablers, wireframes, best practices, predefined processes and more to give your project a strategic head start and enable you to own your future. We call it machpack – your composable platform accelerator and mach enablement toolkit.

technical infrastructure setup

preconfigured backend components

pre-built feature extensions

pre-built extensions for composable frontends

out-of-the-box integrations

best practises

complete feature backlog, user journeys and wireframes

full demo store & guided trial

touch your future

touch your future

Embark on a journey 
where you convert digital possibilities 
into strategic plans.

1. Envision Your Digital Ecosystem

Define the blueprint of your digital presence that resonates with your business goals and customer expectations. It's about dreaming big and setting the stage for what's to come.

2. Architect Your Solutions with Flexibility

Design your digital infrastructure to be adaptable and scalable. This foresight ensures that as your business evolves, your technology can easily pivot to support new directions or opportunities.

3. Embrace Agile Methodologies

Integrate agile practices across your teams, fostering an environment of rapid development, continuous feedback, and the flexibility to adapt to change swiftly. It’s about making agility a core component of your operational ethos.

build your future

build your future

Transition from planning to action, 
focusing on user experience, 
data-driven decisions, and security.

4. Cultivate a Data-Driven Culture

Infuse your decisions with data-derived insights. It’s about leveraging analytics to guide your strategies, refine your offerings, and better understand your market and customers.

5. Prioritise User Experience

Elevate the user experience to the top of your agenda. Design intuitive and engaging interfaces that simplify interactions and enhance customer satisfaction.

6. Secure Your Digital Assets

Prioritise the protection of your digital assets against emerging cyber threats. Implement robust security measures to safeguard your business and build trust with your customers.

evolve your future

evolve your future

Innovate and adapt by integrating 
new technologies and fostering a 
culture of continuous learning.

7. Integrate Emerging Technologies

Explore and adopt cutting-edge technologies that can offer new capabilities and competitive advantages. From artificial intelligence to blockchain, position your business at the forefront of innovation.

8. Foster Continuous Learning

Cultivate a workplace where continuous learning and upskilling are part of the DNA. By keeping your team’s skills sharp and up-to-date, you prepare your organisation for future challenges and opportunities.

9. Expand Your Digital Footprint

Broaden your presence in the digital realm. Extend your reach across various platforms and channels to connect with your audience in innovative and meaningful ways.

own your future

own your future

Achieve digital autonomy by continuously 
measuring, optimising, and aligning your 
strategies with your long-term vision.

10. Measure, Optimise, Repeat

Establish key performance indicators to measure your progress. Use these insights to refine and adjust your strategies, ensuring that your digital initiatives are aligned with your business objectives and are driving sustainable growth. This continuous cycle of evaluation and optimisation is crucial for staying relevant and leading in the digital age.

get in touch

Now is the moment to 
own your future. 

Every step taken on this journey has unveiled the potential of your digital vision. The path thus far has demonstrated that with the right strategies, tools, and mindset, you can transform not just your operations but the very essence of your business to thrive in the digital era. 

But why stop here? The future is vast with possibilities, and to truly harness its potential, you need partners who understand your vision, challenges, and the unique opportunities that lie ahead for your business. That's where we, at mindcurv, step in.

Our team of friendly experts is not just about solutions; we're about creating lasting partnerships that empower you to navigate the complexities of digital transformation with confidence and agility. We believe in crafting bespoke strategies that align perfectly with your goals, ensuring that your journey from here on out is not just successful but remarkable.

Book Your Guided Demo

See the B2Xaccelerator in action. Enter your details to schedule a guided demo and experience firsthand how we can r°evolutionise your business.

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Caroline KraussHead of Sales digital platforms & commerce, Essen

Caroline Krauss

Markus TillmannChief Commercial Officermindcurv group, Essen+49 (0) 201 99986 30

Markus Tillmann